March 06, 2012

Color Therapy

Shot by Al Bigornia, shawl by Ms. Gigi

Hi ladies, yes I’ve been lazy, bored, sick and momentarily lost my mojos. (losing enthusiasm)  I guess I need something to take away the unnecessary pressures that I put on myself and using colors through my daily wardrobe is exactly what I need and probably some of you can benefit too.  For centuries Color has been known to dramatically affect our health, inner harmony and even our emotions. Each color has its own frequency and vibration, so I think a pop of color to our everyday wardrobe can instantly make us feel better and more cheerful.  

What’s your color choice today ladies?
 RED - stimulates brain wave activity, increases heart rate, respirations and blood pressure, and excites sexual glands. It is associated with courage, strength, willpower and aggressiveness. Benefits maybe overcoming negative thoughts, self confidence, and a feeling of security and safety.

ORANGE - is warm and joyful. It connects to our emotional self. It is associated with sociability, success, happiness, and resourcefulness.  Benefits maybe optimism, expanded interest, anti-depressant and remove inhibitions.

YELLOW- is warm to hot. It connects to our mental self.  It energizes, relieves depression, improves memory, stimulates curiosity and interest and also helps with anxiety.

GREEN - has a calming effect and balances the nervous system. It is soothing, relaxing mentally as well as physically helps those suffering from depression, anxiety, nervousness.  It’s refreshing and cool. It connects us to unconditional love

BLUE - is calming and cooling to our system and hence, a good color to counteract hypertension. Spiritually it is the color of health and connects us to holistic thought.

So weather you have a bad mood, had your heart broken, sick or bored, play with colors, incorporate them in your outfits.  Remember you are the color you choose. Have fun ladies and I hope all of you are feeling better already!

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