If I cut you off, chances are, you handed me
the scissors.
Greeting Monday with a bold statement is such a
badass, don’t you think? Hello girls I’m back! This subject has been in my drafts
for some time now and since it’s my comeback(ish) article, I decided to give it a go. By nature, I’m a fixer I
would probably think or bang my head a thousand times, before deciding which unfortunately
sometimes lead me to a more miserable situation. My fashion advice: Less is
more, which we could all probably use in terms of keeping (or not!) relationships with people. If it does not directly hurt
you and the person is “not bad enough”, does it justify cutting ties? Answer,
YES, it’s called self-care ladies (or
DETOX?) In order to stay positive, we don’t want drama. So if you are in a
situation where in you have doubts whether to pull the plug on someone or just eliminate
them, here are my take on how to handle this type of situation, its easier when
done the right way.
IG: wlyder11 |
b. Don’t Argue - no one likes to be cut out so
there is a high possibility of anger, if the discussion gets heaty, remember you
are not there to explain but to restate your boundaries. Don’t feed into it or
allow it. Respecting boundaries comes naturally to well-adjusted adults, unlike
toxic people which thrive on violating them. Just state your reason, you don’t need
to answer why, how or give additional details.
c. Create distance - there are people who are
not really toxic but would just be a “drag”. I have a friend who would constantly declines
offers in order to avoid any interactions with a specific person, and would ask
me if doing so is bad. Well, I just have to give her this blog link later, I’m
sure she’ll benefit from this in the future. Totally fine if you would rather
spent time with other friends who are positive and contributes to you’re
feeling good.
d. Not do anything at all - probably easiest
among all, just remember, you don’t owe anyone an explanation. Slowly ghost out
of their lives until you are no longer affected by their negativity.
IG: wlyder11 |