March 10, 2015

Tuesday Tip: 5 ways to get bikini ready

Hello Ladies!  Bikini season is just around the corner, are you summer ready?  The holidays - Christmas, New Year ,Chinese New Year and PH vacay has contributed to my weight gain, and since the 3rd week of February I been trying to shed them.  Today I want to share to you how I’m getting ready for my summer outfits, below are my 5 tips to help you achieve your desired bod!
1. Detox Tea – I tried ThinTea's  7 day cleanse.
( it’s usually 14 days, but I shared it with a friend) Check out their site, they will tell you what to eat and avoid during your cleanse, they also have a free downloadable eating plan that is best when accompanied by their tea. 

2. H20 all the way – after the holiday I gave up soda, sugary juices, flavored water, and cream on my coffee, they all add up ladies. Just enjoy your water, anyway they cost less than any other beverages.

3.  Bragg’ Apple Cider Vinegar – I know most of you ladies will not agree, but even Dr. Oz approves this product, he even calls it the swimsuit slimdown drink of choice. Simply mix 1 cup of grapefruit juice with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. The juice is loaded with vitamin C, which will help you burn fat faster, especially during exercise.  I haven’t tried with grapefruit yet, I’ve been taking it with water, twice a day – in the morning before breakfast and at night 1 hr before dinner.  Since taking it, my craving has been less, I easily get full too!
4. Share – I allow myself to eat whatever I want once a week, in those cases, I share half of it with a friend! Remember share the food, share the calorie.

5. Exercise – weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise, no pain no gain ladies. A 30 minute workout for me is enough 3x a week, or if you’re too lazy you can try the one song work out. 

My personal weight loss journey is a combination of all five listed above, find what’s best for you. I feel our bodies are very unique and that it helps to find what works best for your body.  

Good luck ladies,  have faith, I believe we can achieve the body we want.

